July 28, 2017

Hill #1 – Chalmers

The Castle – Mike A.

Hill #3 – Kirk

Hill #4 – Durrant

Hill #5 – Jared

Sprint – Jay

Beautiful morning for a ride. Cloud cover kept the sun off our backs but brought the humidity.

A few items of note from today. Mike A. pimped his teammate GC for the Castle climb then Jared pimped Kirk at the top of Hill #5. Clint had a flat on the descent after Hill #1.

We all came to a full stop for the light at Mill & Washington/Curry before the sprint. When the light turned green Jared (on a MTB) was off like a rocket. Jay grabbed his wheel and Jared took him halfway across the bridge with a huge gap. Jay held off the chasers but just barely, crossing the line inches ahead of Kirk, GC and Durrant.

Quote of the day from Chalmers “Of all the days to go for the sprint it was a guy on a mountain bike and Jay at the front”.

July 7, 2017

We are working on the last two weeks of posts… so watch for them in the future.  GoPro updated their software and made it easier to make a short clip, major helpful!!.
This mornings highlights… Juan high fiving the officer, smallish group, blow out on a down hill, Durrant, (thanks for help Chalmers), seeing Alex on the way home.

  1. Kirk
  2. Jared
  3. Jared
  4. Brett
  5. Kirk

Sprint Durrant