Jan. 19, 2018

I missed it but they say Clint made a good run for the sprint. Justin was on his graveler making him mortal … ya, he still won the sprint.

  1. Greg
  2. Kirk
  3. Justin
  4. Clint


March 31, 2017

Vlad took #1. If Jake is the kid in the jet-set Jersey he’s the one that took the Sprint.

And I believe Jake got the sprint. #2 was a tie 

March 17, 2017

8 started out at the park, picked up 6 more on the corner then went by Vlad pumping up his tire at his car. Picked up AW and Zack on the bridge.  We went slow for Vlad…..all the way to the first hill😀…for Vlad. 

  1. Vlad
  2. Greg
  3. Jared
  4. Vlad

Sprint.  Vlad

February 3rd, 2017

Race tomorrow. Small group  of about 10. Beautiful sunrise between the end of the fourth hill and the bonus hill. 

1. Zack

2. Zack

3.  Kirk

4. Kirk

Sprint Zack 

January 20, 2017

Wet and sprinkling. Small group. Started out with 1 at the corner, Justin joined in. So we met 6 on 5th and Mill. First ride for Logan, from the Bike Cellar, maybe Tims too. 

  1. Vlad in the pink kit
  2. Vlad the pink
  3. Kirk, but Vlad claims he left too early. 
  4. Vlad glowing pink

Sprint- Vlad with a dirt streak in his new pink kit.