Brrr.. I don’t know how Juan starts these cold mornings with no warmers, no gloves. Cpt. Kirk was there with his costume, everyone else forgot or didn’t have one. Good to have Bennett back on a ride. Happy 10yr Anniversary.
Hill #1: Brian Bennett
The Castle: Brian Bennett
Hill #3: Durrant
Hill #4: Rudy
Sprint: Durrant (Highly protested by Chalmers!. Alex and Durrant took the left turn on a yellow light on Galvin and Washington barely made the sprint, almost got caught by the group at the last second. good times!)
How about a ladies tag cloud?
Good idea!! right now the cloud is populated with names that are tagged in each post. I’ll see if we can work it in somehow..
The light was red. Hoss has spoken.
by the time Hoss got there, the light was red.