What a gorgeous day for a ride! Great turn out and no crashes so all is good.
There was talk of Justin making a run at the Triple Crown so a couple riders, Al and GC, were sent up the road early. Justin, Joe and others chased and for a moment it looked like they caught Al and GC but it was Gardner and Ben-Horin. So Justin and Joe went off again but it wasn’t enough. Al and GC held the gap with GC taking Hill 1 so the Triple Crown was safe.
On the return trip the group had to stop at the light at Mill/Curry. Justin had the timing right and nailed it the moment the light changed. He grabbed a huge lead and held everyone off taking the sprint.
Hill 1 – GC
The Castle – Joe D.
Hill 3 – Justin
Hill 4 – RJ
Sprint – Justin
Here’s the question of the day. How warm does it have to get before Kocher comes out of hibernation?