May 24, 2013

Clint Bluestien almost had the triple crown!! Comment more info… I don’t have much for this ride.

Hill #1. Clint
The Castle.  Clint
Hill #3.  Struttmann
Hill #4.  Clint
Hill #5.  Clint

Sprint –  Clintster!!!!

May 17, 2013

At least 30 riders on the road today!  Chalmers on his 29r. The Sheriff showed up after 7 years of missing the ride.  Hoss missed the shot. The sprint was from a stop at the light on curry.  There are some links to strava in today’s post. Sheck it out.
Don’t forget to watch the Tour of California!!

2013-05-17 05.13.59

Hill #1. Joe DeMars (watch out for the red Klien!)
The Castle.  Struttmann
Hill #3.  Paul
Hill #4.  RJ
Hill #5.  Rudy

Sprint – Durrant  and Chuck

May 10, 2013

About a medium sized turn out this morning.  Super nice weather!! Al got a flat, but the funny part was him and Aaron decided to do the 5th hill anyway.  Crazy riders.  There was also a crazy guy in the middle of the road with his wife, 2 dogs, and cup of coffee. He yelled at us for being in the road and going to fast because it was a community? or something??  Good Morning! AND Sean was in the pack, said he almost got his Dad to come out.  We miss the donkey!!! Hoss missed the shot.

2013-05-10 05.42.08 2013-05-10 05.36.06

Hill #1. Durrant (sorry Gimpy I forgot you were recovering)
The Castle.  Cean
Hill #3.  Struttmann
Hill #4.  RJ
Hill #5.  Cean

Sprint – Durrant

May 3, 2013

Today kicks off the new summer start time…  can’t wait to hear the “where were you guys” stories from those who forgot or didn’t know.
Great ride!! Perfect weather,  a little faster than normal.IMG_6945

Kyle Reedy dominated every hill and the sprint! = Triple Crown  Kudo’s to Kyle

2013-05-03 05.42.402013-05-03 05.42.43

Hoss and Noel did the images and video