March 15, 2013

I have hardly any info for this friday ride….  post in comments if you know anything.

Hill #1. ?
The Castle.  ?
Hill #3.  ?
Hill #4.  ?

Sprint – Chalmers 

March 8, 2013

Rain, Rain,  We like you, but not when we want to go riding…
Anyone ride?  Send an image for proof of a triple crown in the rain!!

March 1, 2013

Paul was back today after a year!! He got a flat coming down heading to the 4th hill, thanks Struttman, for helping him out as much as he could.  Great group!! Clint dominated the hills!!  Hoss missed the shot.

Hill #1. Clint
The Castle.  Clint
Hill #3.  Durrant
Hill #4.  Clint

Sprint – Durrant (again? wazzup w/ that?)

February 22, 2013

Yes, Hoss missed the shot again today.  Cold morning, 39° at casa Hoss.  One flat, Chuck hit the last hole in the rode before the sprint and had to sit it out.

Hill #1. Chuckster
The Castle.  RJ
Hill #3.  Durrant
Hill #4.  RJ

Sprint – Durrant