
yes…  still alive and riding!  The Friday Ride is a little leaner in the cold months, but there is always a Friday Ride!

  1. Kirk
  2. Chuck
  3. Brett
  4. Justin
    Sprint Justin

PS:   This is what I’ve been working on..
Look for the time lapse video’s  – they are the best

July 7, 2017

We are working on the last two weeks of posts… so watch for them in the future.  GoPro updated their software and made it easier to make a short clip, major helpful!!.
This mornings highlights… Juan high fiving the officer, smallish group, blow out on a down hill, Durrant, (thanks for help Chalmers), seeing Alex on the way home.

  1. Kirk
  2. Jared
  3. Jared
  4. Brett
  5. Kirk

Sprint Durrant

May 26, 2017

Here are some great photo’s and a video from Hoss!!  There’s still a nice cool breeze in the morning!  nice ride !!  We started in a nice group, but after 3 attacks 3 riders got away and made it to the top of the 1st Hill.  All the best to Laurel, hope she recovers quick.  Lucky the unmarked police guy didn’t hand out any tickets.

  1. Jared
  2. Vlad
  3. Brett
  4. Brett
  5. Vlad

Sprint   Justin    on the TT bike, in the saddle all the way…  beast mode!!

May 5, 2017

Cinco de Mayo! Happy Friday! Five hills was awesome!  Slow start with some old timers coming back!  Sean and the Donkey – Steve, Paul, and a Ben-Horin sighting too.   Check out the photo of the three jersey’s together from Mike Ben-Horin.

  1. ??
  2. Chalmers
  3. Jared. JT
  4. Brett
  5. Clint

Sprint – Aaron ! The great AW pulls thru

April 28, 2017

I really like the photos with the number of hill you took…  Jay is showing a donut for the zero hills he took…. Looks like a great ride, I missed it….

  1. Brett
  2. Brett
  3. Ryan Hardy
  4. Aaron (AW)

Sprint   Justin !!