May 26, 2017

Here are some great photo’s and a video from Hoss!!  There’s still a nice cool breeze in the morning!  nice ride !!  We started in a nice group, but after 3 attacks 3 riders got away and made it to the top of the 1st Hill.  All the best to Laurel, hope she recovers quick.  Lucky the unmarked police guy didn’t hand out any tickets.

  1. Jared
  2. Vlad
  3. Brett
  4. Brett
  5. Vlad

Sprint   Justin    on the TT bike, in the saddle all the way…  beast mode!!

May 12, 2017

Freekin fun ride!!  Welcome to Adrian, first timer.  Lost you on hill 3, hope u made it back.  Perfect weather!

  1. Vlad
  2. Jared
  3. Clint
  4. Jared
  5. Clint

Sprint   Durrant   ( thx Chuck)

April 21, 2017

Hope everyone has their taxes in. Nice and cool ride.  Justin broke away and made the light on McDowell.  We all cranked along but couldn’t catch up.

  1. Justin
  2. Vlad
  3. Brett
  4. Clint

Sprint Justin

March 10,2017

Small group today, bout 10 riders.  Gotta be the slowest average pace ever.  Slow out, slow back.  Word is, Hoss is working on a new kit, retro. 

  1. Clint
  2. Clint
  3. Vlad
  4. Clint

Sprint.  Vlad